Hypno Cheese

I have been more emotional like I mentioned in my last post.  I was watching The Beatles tribute on tv.  I cried a bit while watching Katy Perry’s version of Yesterday.  I think she was thinking about her failed marriage with Russell Brand while she was singing  I also cried when Hey Jude was performed. 

My feet have swollen a bit.  My socks are smaller and my shoes are tighter.  I need to buy some slip on shoes like a pair of Vans.  I figured I would wear sandals since they’re easy to expand and soon it will be a lot warmer.

My belly and boobs do feel much smoother since I’ve been using the Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter (Say that 3 times fast!).

I feel bigger, but my weight has remained the same.  I read that I might gain 1 pound a week during the second trimester.  People don’t know I’m pregnant, unless they know since they’re my friend.  So, only a few friends have touched my belly.  I don’t mind if people touch my belly.  It’s cute. 

I still have pregnancy brain.  I seem to forget things.  Not a big deal though. 

I love the pregnancy pants.  They’re really comfortable.  Here’s a picture to show you what it looks like.

Jen showing off her pregnancy pants

I’ve been getting pimples.  My cheeks turns red after I wear make-up and I wash my face.  I don’t know if it’s the make-up, so I don’t wear it as much now.  I have red marks on my chest which I have no idea how they got there.  Your skin acts weird when you’re pregnant.

I feel great.  My back does hurt more now though. 

I saw my doula Shannondoah on February 19, 2014.  I had an hour hypno massage with her.  I’ve had a hypno massage with her before so I knew it would make my aching back feel better. 

The massage had me lying down with my back raised to a 45 degree angle.  I am very easy to hypnotize.  Ivan has hypnotized me a lot and I go very deep. 

Shannondoah took me to a beach.  She had me float in the water with Ivan holding me for support.  I love floating in the water by myself on the ocean or sea since it feels like I’m floating on a cloud. 

She took me to a house which we would return to in future hypno massages.  I pictured a red brick house which was behind the beach.  She said there was a porch that was in the front of the house.  The house has a wood fence in front of it. 

I went to a cliff and there was a table and chair there.  I could pick up a remote control there that controls any aches or pains that I might feel.  I could also go there and hold my baby at any time since the baby had a bassinet there.  I didn’t see the baby though.  Maybe in other sessions I will get to see what he or she looks like.

I returned to the beach and was floating in the water.  It became cloudy and became a big movie screen in the sky.  I was to picture my perfect birth on the screen.  Yes, every contraction and what ever else happens.  The birth movie went on for awhile ending with me and Ivan holding the baby in our bed.

I told Shannondoah that I wanted to work on fear releasing.  I have feared the uncomfortable things that go with labor.  Shannondoah prefers using uncomfortable than using the word pain.  I also have a fear of complications.  I know I would be transported to the nearby hospital which is only a 2 minute drive from our house.

She had me imagine a box and I put all my fears inside the box.  I locked the box and then threw it into the ocean.  I think it has helped since I don’t really fear the labor as much.  I know that I can do this birth naturally without medications.  Of course, I will feel uncomfortable and it may take awhile for the baby to come out.  But, I will do it.  Once I set my mind on something, I will do it. 

I felt a lot better after the massage.  We set up another massage in 2 weeks.

I forgot to mention that Shannondoah suggested that I write a birth plan.  It’s something you fill out that states your preferences for the birth like if you want medication or what music you want.  I’m glad that there are sample birth plans out on the internet.  I have heard of birth plans, but wasn’t sure what I would want at my baby’s birth. I found a home birth plan here.  There’s also a birth plan for a hospital birth that I found on Baby Center.

I feel really excited to hear the baby’s heartbeat – hopefully, next week we’ll get to hear it with my visit with our midwife Kat.  I’m not sure when I will get my ultrasound.  Ivan and I are looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby.

It’s funny how everybody thinks they’re an expert on pregnancy.  I will post something on Facebook and somebody will comment and say Have you asked your doctor about that? or offer their advice.  I just laugh.  Each pregnancy can be different.  I know they’re just worried for my health.

I am now 11 weeks and 5 days.

Jen at 11 weeks and 5 days

I haven’t had any strange cravings yet.  I’ve been craving cheese lately.  Mmm, I love cheese.  I’ve bought string cheese and the tasty, but expensive, Babybel Light.

I got my new Post-it notes that have my blog website.  I’ve been doing the Post-its Project on my new post-its. 

Best day quote for the Post-its Project #BucketandDoit

This one I stuck in a daily planner at Wal-Mart.   I hope they’ve been bringing smiles and happiness to people!

4 thoughts on “Hypno Cheese

  1. Lol I sometimes wonder what people would talk about if they stopped telling pregnant women what pregnancy/baby will be like o.O 🙂 I love reading about your adventures. ♥

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