Water Class


On August 23, 2014, Ivan drove us out to Chiropractor for Life for our last HypnoBirthing class.  People from the class and Mandie brought food for the pot luck.  Ivan and I grabbed some fruit and banana bread.

We watched part of a documentary called “What Babies Want” with Noah Wyle.

She talked about breastfeeding and getting a good latch.  Mandie was still breastfeeding and she breastfeeds for over 2 years with each of her kids.  That’s just too long.  I’m planning on breastfeeding from 6 months to a year.

She recommended that breastfeeding mums drink 1 gallon of water still and get 2500 calories a day.

She also talked about umbilical cord care.  She suggested a warm washcloth to keep it clean.  Keep it dry and keep things away from it.  Don’t pull it.  If you see dry blood, wipe it away.  If you continue to see blood, go see your pediatrician.  There’s Cord Care cream in my Birth Kit, so I will use it for the cord.

The class seemed to fly by for some reason, maybe because we watched part of the documentary.  I’m not sure I would recommend the class.  If you really want to try HypnoBirthing and want to learn breathing and relaxation techniques, you should take it.  But, I think that if your doula knows HypnoBirthing she may be able to teach you some of what you learned in this class.  I think I will use the J Breathing during birth, but the other breathing techniques I wasn’t a big fan of.  I do find the book HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method: A natural approach to a safe, easier, more comfortable birthing was very positive.  I love the Birthing Affirmations which I do believe have helped me think positive about the upcoming labor and birth.  I have learned exercise techniques that I probably will use during labor.  I’m lucky that my doula and my husband know hypnosis and will be able to properly put me into hypnosis.  I know that the women who are giving birth with the HypnoBirthing techniques aren’t really hypnotized, but really deeply relaxed.  I liked the Lamaze class and will be using the breathing techniques and comfort measures I learned in class.

That night, we went to Noelle and Chris’ dinner party where she had a crazy scarf contest.  People were putting the scarves on different spots on their body like their legs.  I decided to put mine over my belly.

Jen and Ivan wearing scarves

Ivan and I recently finished the first disc of Laugh and Learn About Childbirth which is taught by Lamaze instructor Sheri Bayles, RN which we got through Netflix DVD.  Sheri is funny and very knowledgeable.  It’s great hearing her talk about childbirth and Lamaze.  I could listen to her talk about anything for hours.

We’ve been trying to finish up the nursery.  The crib is put together with the mattress and fitted sheet.  Ivan put up the wallpaper and jungle decals.

Monkey decals in the nursery

We’re still going to put up things on the wall for decoration and put in curtains.

I saw my  midwife Kat on August 27, 2014.  She said everything was good and I looked healthy.   She thought it was good that I’ve been staying active.  The baby was in the ROA position.

I told her that I get headaches sometimes when I get out of bed quickly.  She said it was fine and it was just circulation.

Some food smells have been bugging me, usually with microwaved food.  I’m not sure but I don’t like the smell and it seems really pungent.

Ivan and I went to a family BBQ at my parent’s house.  Everybody was excited for Baby George’s arrival.  My sister-in-law thinks he will be coming next week.

After, we went to Wal-Mart.  I went to the loo (bathroom) since I always have to go.  I put on the toilet seat cover and was getting ready to sit down when water came out of me onto the floor.  I texted Ivan that either I peed myself or my water broke.  I sent a text to Kat saying Water broke and she called me a few minutes later.

I told Kat what happened.  The fluid was clear and didn’t smell like anything.  She thought that if it was my water, I would feel contractions.  It might just be the forebag (never heard of this) and sometimes that heals itself up.  She told me that once I got home I should take a shower.  I was to get the iodine from the Birth Kit and put 1 oz of iodine into the peri bottle and then fill the rest up with warm water.  I would put this iodine mixture down there to wash myself.  She said nothing internal like sex or a bath.  She said I should wear a light pad.  She asked if I would tell her if I had any contractions or not.  She was so excited saying the baby might be coming soon.  I was a bit freaked out since I didn’t know what was going on.  She thought that I should rest.

Ivan drove us home and I took a shower and washed myself with the iodine mixture and put on a light pad.

I Googled forebag and found out there are actually two bags of water.  A lot of woman haven’t heard of the forebag or that there are two bags. I don’t know why we didn’t learn this in our childbirth classes.  Women on forums said that their forebag broke and some closed itself up.  Some women went to the hospital and they did a test to test if it was the amniotic fluid.  Most were sent home because it was the forebag breaking, while some stayed and the doctor broke their water.

We took a walk a few hours later.  I felt mild pain with tightening which I thought was Braxton Hicks.  I texted Kat and told her about it.  I didn’t think it was actual contractions since they were mild and didn’t keep coming.  She said it was important that I get some rest.  She said to do the iodine mixture and shower in the morning.  If I leaked more, it would mean my water did break.  I didn’t think it was actually my water breaking since I hadn’t leaked again.  She said it was real contractions, it will be coming closer together and be more painful.

I placed a towel under me when I went to bed, just in case I leaked during the night.

Ivan hypnotizes me every night before bed.  He asked me to talk to George in my mind when I was hypnotized.  He asked what kind of food George likes and he said chicken.  He said that he will be born on September 5th.  He said he would be 7.1 pounds.  He thought that the Enya music we were playing was weird.

On August 28, 2014, I woke up to a dream where I was eating chicken fingers and was being accused of not paying for it when somebody paid for it and had already left the restaurant.  I think I was in a restaurant in Texas.

I didn’t leak at all overnight.  Kat says I might have just peed myself or it was the forebag tearing and it’s healed itself up.  She said I will probably have more discharge soon.

Ivan and I ran errands early and we picked up the breast pump at THC of Nevada.  I showed my ID and insurance card and a few minutes later I received my breast pump.  Easy enough!

My doula Shannondoah came over for my hypnomassage that afternoon.  The massage was very relaxing and I drifted off to sleep again.  I really needed that massage since my back hurts so much.

Shannondoah wanted to see the Birth Kit, so we went upstairs.  She said we would need a table for the Birth Kit and we already had one upstairs.  I just needed to clear it for the labor.  I showed her the refrigerator, the pots and the washer and dryer.

She showed me things Ivan can do to help with back pain during labor.  She also showed me how to bear down.  She said I should practice my Kegels.

I sometimes have a sharp pain when I need to pee now.  George hangs out lower and my pelvis hurts sometimes.  I think he’s right on my bladder which makes me pee even more than usual.

Sometimes, I want the baby to come out as soon as possible – but that’s usually on days when I’m not feeling so well.  Most days I feel great and enjoy being pregnant.  It’s an amazing feeling to be so big and know that there’s a precious baby growing inside me.  It still cool to feel his kicks and hits.

I haven’t gained any more weight.  Currently, I have gained 31 pounds during my pregnancy.  I might gain a little more.  I read that I don’t gain any more weight, but the baby is still putting on weight.

I received my first Bluum box today.  It came with blue leg warmers with white stars for George, a book called Things to Do Now that You’re….a Mom, make-up remover wipes and a big bottle of bathroom cleaner.  Ivan didn’t know that the box also contains things for the Mum.  He thought it was just for the baby.  It’s $20 per month which seems pricey, but you do get full sized products unlike some of the box subscriptions where you only get samples or small sized products.  I’m looking forward to next month’s box which will probably have more things for George.

I got a humidifier which is also an infuser and Kat recommended peppermint, Digestzen, Lavender and Clove for me and the baby.  Clove is good for teething and she said teething can start as soon as 2-3 months.


I’m now 38.6 weeks.  I’ve been feeling great.  If I eat a big meal, sometimes I do get heartburn.  I do get Braxton Hicks pains every now and then, but nothing too painful.  The top of my legs hurt when I walk.  Ivan and I are anxiously awaiting George’s arrival.  I think it will be soon like a week or two, but you never know.

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